Tulsa Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Testing

Top Clinic in Tulsa for Testosterone Testing and Therapy

Personalized Testosterone Therapy to Boost Your Health and Energy

Testosterone production naturally slows with age, leading to decline and dysfunction in a variety of bodily systems and processes. Low testosterone (Low T) or testosterone deficiency affects millions of men every year, exacerbating the gradual and already inevitable decline of naturally produced testosterone beginning at around age 20. In addition to being linked to conditions like cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes, low testosterone is increasingly associated with an array of symptoms normally attributed to stress or age, including:

  • Mood changes and anxiety
  • Reduced libido and sexual performance
  • Poor wound healing, tissue repair, and muscle recovery
  • Lack of energy
  • Reduced muscle mass and bone density
  • Increased fat mass

However, testosterone replacement therapy from Tulsa Men’s Clinic can help men with low testosterone restore their levels of the androgen hormone to more appropriate levels. Testosterone replacement therapy can have a significant influence on a variety of biological and physiological processes necessary for health and longevity, producing positive effects and improvements in areas like:

  • Libido
  • Insulin sensitivity
  • Energy
  • Sleep
  • Quality of life
  • Body composition
  • Mood and mental health

At Tulsa Men’s Clinic, our licensed physicians and board-certified medical providers are experts in state-of-the-art diagnostics and personalized, synergistic testosterone replacement therapies that are tailored to your unique body. We combine in-depth testing and comprehensive body composition analysis with proven protocols, advanced monitoring procedures, and the best in effective, science-backed modalities to help our patients discover the difference optimal testosterone levels can make.

Advanced Testosterone Testing for Better, Long-Lasting Results

Two middle aged white men jog on a path through trees while smiling.

Achieving and maintaining your optimum testosterone levels requires advanced, extensive, and in-depth testing. However, few insurance companies cover either the breadth of testing necessary to accurately identify low testosterone or the leading-edge modalities that are proven to treat it in a meaningful way. While Tulsa Men’s Clinic is not a substitute for a general practitioner, we are not constrained by the time, resources, and insurance parameters that your general practitioner may be subject to, giving us the tools, capacity, and expertise to properly identify and treat testosterone deficiency and low testosterone for better, more effective, and longer-lasting results.

This starts with targeted and detailed testing for testosterone levels that goes beyond the basics.

There are two types of testosterone in your body: bound or biologically inactive, which is bound to proteins like sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and not readily available for your body to use; and unbound, or biologically active, which is readily available for your body to use. (Unbound or biologically active testosterone is commonly referred to as “free” testosterone.)

The only way to determine your testosterone levels is via blood testing, but most medical providers only conduct one test, the total testosterone test. This is the bare minimum for testosterone testing, and often only as far as your general practitioner (and insurance company) will take you. Not only does the total testosterone test not distinguish between bound and unbound testosterone, but its findings alone are rarely enough to diagnose low testosterone or testosterone deficiency. 

What is considered “normal” for total testosterone levels varies from person to person, and on factors like time of day, stress level, and body weight. Moreover, it doesn’t take into consideration specifics such as how much unbound (free) testosterone is actually available for your body to use.

To develop an effective treatment plan and design the best way to help your body have a higher level of bioavailable testosterone, you need more detailed and comprehensive information about your levels.

At Tulsa Men’s Clinic, our testosterone testing protocol includes testing for:

Total testosterone levels. 

Total testosterone measures the sum of both types of testosterone to provide an “overall level” of testosterone in your body.

Total testosterone levels are reported in nanograms per deciliter of blood (ng/dL).

Typical total testosterone levels are between 300 and 800 ng/dL. In most men, testosterone levels peak at around age 19 before slowly declining. After age 30, testosterone levels begin to decrease by around 1-2% each year. Levels below 300 ng/dL are medically classified as low T, a diagnosis affecting about half of men older than 80 years old.

Free testosterone. 

Free testosterone testing determines how much testosterone your body has as well as what is “free,” or bioavailable.

For the average male, 2-3% of his testosterone is available as free testosterone. Free testosterone also declines with age, but at a much faster rate, nearly 20% higher.

SHBG, or sex hormone binding globulin. 

SHBG is a protein that binds to testosterone and inactivates it. SHBG levels increase with age while testosterone decreases, reducing the amount of free testosterone that is available to your body’s tissues. Lowering your SHBG helps your body better access the testosterone it already has, making that testosterone more bioavailable.

For most men, about 45-65% of the testosterone in their body is bound to SHBG.

If your SHBG is not normal, your total testosterone level may not accurately represent the amount of testosterone available in your tissues.

To ensure the testosterone replacement therapy plan we develop for you is as safe and effective as possible, we also include additional prostate specific antigen (PSA) and complete blood count (hemoglobin) screenings as part of our comprehensive approach to testing and monitoring.

Testosterone Testing Process and Initial Consultation at Tulsa Men’s Clinic

Before beginning any treatment, an initial blood sample will be taken. The best time for most patients to do this is between 7 am and 10 am, because this is when testosterone levels are at their highest. However, depending on your unique body, you may require repeat testing at different times of the day to confirm low levels of testosterone. Results are usually complete within a few days.

You will then have an initial consultation with one of our experienced medical providers. We’ll evaluate your medical history and lifestyle, discuss your specific concerns, and review the results of your blood tests with you.

Then, you and the provider will develop a customized treatment plan that may include several modalities or methods, as well as complementary therapies for a more synergistic and comprehensive approach to improving your overall health.

At Tulsa Men’s Clinic, we prioritize efficacy, safety, and convenience for all of our testosterone replacement therapy patients and provide both detailed instructions on administration techniques and ongoing support. Lab work is included in your first appointment, and we conduct regular blood testing and monitoring throughout the course of treatment to ensure the best and safest results possible.

Find out more about the timeline of testosterone therapy from testing to results

Types of Testosterone Replacement at Tulsa Men’s Clinic

At Tulsa Men’s Clinic, we offer an array of testosterone replacement therapies and solutions that can be used as standalone treatments or together with other complementary treatments for even better outcomes. These include:

  • Testosterone cypionate intramuscular injections, a proven testosterone replacement protocol that delivers dramatically better results than traditional testosterone injections without the fluctuations in hormone levels. Testosterone cypionate injections deliver steady and consistent levels of testosterone directly into the bloodstream. At Tulsa Men’s Clinic, we provide testosterone cypionate intramuscular injections at a higher frequency than other clinics—weekly as opposed to monthly—which allows us to adjust the dosage more frequently for more tailored results, and without the fluctuations of monthly injections.
  • Testosterone subcutaneous pellets, one of the most effective methods of testosterone replacement. Placed directly under the skin via a small incision, tiny pellets containing bioidentical hormones are gradually absorbed into the blood flow, releasing a steady and constant flow of testosterone for 4 to 6 months.
  • Clomid, as an alternative to traditional testosterone replacement therapy for men who would like to increase virility as well as testosterone. Traditional testosterone replacement therapy can produce a reduction in sperm count, making it more difficult for couples to conceive. By inhibiting estrogen in the hypothalamus, Clomid stimulates luteinizing hormone (LH) in the pituitary gland, resulting in a natural increase in testosterone without lowering sperm count.
  • Nandrolone Decanoate exogenous steroid injections, which can enhance the anabolic effects of testosterone while mitigating the undesirable androgenic traits.
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) therapy, which helps counteract the testicular shrinkage and retraction that can be a side effect of testosterone replacement therapy.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids, to support higher free and total testosterone levels and improve blood flow, testicular function, and insulin sensitivity.
    Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) medications to treat erectile dysfunction, such as Cialis (Tadalafil), which can become more effective when combined with testosterone replacement therapy.
  • Premature ejaculation (PE) solutions like the P-Shot®, which, when combined with testosterone replacement therapy, can significantly reduce sexual dysfunction with longer-lasting results but without the side effects associated with oral medications.

Timeline of Results from Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Depending on your treatment plan and method, as well as your unique body, you may begin to see results from your testosterone replacement therapy in as little as 3-4 weeks, with improvements in mood, mental clarity, energy, and libido.

Within 3-6 months, many patients begin to see noticeable improvements in energy, endurance, and stamina; better sleep quality; and a better outlook on life. If you have high blood pressure, it may be slowly lowering, and your body is exhibiting better glycemic control.

After 6 months of testosterone replacement therapy, there are continued improvements in mood, libido, and body composition, including increased bone density and muscle growth, and, for many, their sex life has improved exponentially as the result of better and more frequent erections and ejaculations.

Most men see peak results from testosterone replacement therapy at around the 12-month mark. Many are looking and feeling better than they have in years, and their body is functioning at levels similar to when they were younger. With longer treatment periods and regular exercise—including cardiovascular and weight training—patients can see up to a 10-fold increase in maintaining and sustaining these results.

The timeline of your results, including how quickly and dramatically you experience them, will vary from person to person, based on factors like your age, genetics, and overall health, as well as your pre-therapy testosterone levels and dosage. However, for many men, once a steady baseline of testosterone has been established, it feels like a switch has been flipped, and you’ll feel more balanced and ready for the world. Read more about the timeline of testosterone therapy here

Take Control of Your Health with Testosterone Testing and Replacement Therapy from Tulsa Men’s Clinic

Don’t let low T or testosterone deficiency call the shots. Schedule a consultation with Tulsa Men’s Clinic today and find out how comprehensive testosterone testing, leading-edge testosterone replacement therapy, and continuous testosterone monitoring can change your life. Your first appointment includes lab work and a consultation with a medical provider, so why wait? Stop letting low T get you down and start living the way you were meant to.