Human growth hormone (HGH) therapy and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are two separate therapies that target two different hormones. However, while effective solutions on their own, HGH and testosterone replacement therapy may produce better results when administered together as appropriate. By working synergistically to increase lean mass, fat loss, and bone mineral density, the combination of HGH and testosterone replacement therapies can address a broader range of symptoms associated with aging and a decline in hormone production.

Tulsa Men’s Clinic stands at the forefront of hormone replacement therapies such as HGH and testosterone replacement. Backed by a team of highly skilled medical professionals, including renowned hormone experts, we bring decades of experience to the delivery of effective, science-driven solutions designed to simultaneously address all areas of potential hormone imbalance or deficiency. While other clinics strive to keep pace with advancements like testosterone replacement therapy and HGH therapy, our board-certified physicians have refined every aspect of your care. From advanced diagnostic testing and precise lab analysis to meticulous monitoring, we’ve perfected the protocols needed to ensure exceptional outcomes for every patient we serve.

It is possible to take HGH therapy without testosterone, but, depending on your unique needs, you may experience better, more dramatic results by taking both. 

The hormone experts at Tulsa Men’s Clinic can work with you to develop a customized, synergistic treatment plan that combines the best modalities for your optimal health so you can feel better than ever at every age.

The Highs and Lows of HGH

Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is an essential peptide hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It plays a vital role in regulating growth, metabolism, and cellular regeneration, contributing to overall health and well-being. HGH levels naturally peak before puberty and steadily decline with age, often dropping significantly by the age of 40. This decline can result in decreased energy, reduced muscle strength, increased weight gain, and visible signs of aging.

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a prevalent condition that arises from this natural decrease in HGH production associated with aging. The decline can be further accelerated by factors such as chronic stress, sleep disorders like apnea, poor dietary habits, insufficient physical activity, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalances involving testosterone or the thyroid. Together, these factors can contribute to adult-onset growth hormone deficiency (AGHD), a condition associated with numerous health challenges, accelerated aging, and a higher risk of early mortality.

How HGH Therapy Helps You Look and Feel Your Best

HGH therapy uses a synthetic form of HGH—such as Omnitrope, Norditropin, or Zomacton (all forms of somatropin) and/or Sermorelin—to stimulate natural HGH production and restore declining levels back to a healthier range more typical of your younger years. It is administered via daily subcutaneous injections over a specified treatment cycle, such as 3 or 6 months on and off, since elevated HGH levels can be sustained for months after treatment.

The benefits of HGH therapy can include:

  • Improved range of motion and ease of movement
  • Increased physical strength, stamina, and energy levels
  • Enhanced sexual performance and satisfaction, with greater frequency and potency
  • A stronger immune system to better resist illness and infection
  • Accelerated fat burning and a leaner, healthier body composition
  • Reduced nighttime interruptions due to decreased urination
  • Quicker recovery times from injuries and faster wound healing
  • Smoother, firmer skin with fewer wrinkles and a more youthful appearance
  • Strengthened bones with higher bone density for long-term skeletal health
  • Better cardiovascular health and enhanced heart function
  • Sharper focus, improved memory, and greater emotional resilience
  • Slowed signs of aging at the cellular level, promoting vitality and longevity
  • Greater effectiveness in losing and maintaining weight for a healthier lifestyle

How HGH Works with Testosterone

Although HGH and testosterone therapies are often mentioned together because of their shared symptoms and benefits, they target different hormones, fulfill unique roles in the body, and require different methods of administration.

Testosterone is an androgen hormone produced in the gonads and responsible for things like regulating various aspects of the body, such as bone and muscle mass, sex drive, red blood cell production, and overall well-being.

HGH is produced by the pituitary gland and is responsible for regulating growth, metabolism, and cell regeneration and repair.

Both HGH and testosterone have protein-anabolic effects–meaning they interact positively to enhance the metabolism of protein and energy–and are necessary for strength, vitality, and optimal performance. They both peak at around the same time (in the early 20s) and begin their decline in production around the same time, though HGH tends to decline earlier and more rapidly. Oftentimes, men complaining of low T symptoms are actually experiencing the effects of both low T and declining HGH, and research has shown that a deficiency in one may exacerbate the effects of a deficiency in the other.

While HGH has more of an impact on body composition—specifically in fat burning and lean muscle mass—and testosterone primarily affects muscle mass and sexual function, lower levels of either can both produce similar symptoms, including

  • Decreased sexual drive or performance
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Gradual weight gain, especially around the midsection
  • Loss of strength and muscle mass
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Poor or slower recovery and tissue repair
  • Reduced bone density

Why HGH Therapy Works Better with Testosterone

When combined, HGH therapy can amplify the positive effects of testosterone replacement therapy by further promoting cell growth and repair and enhancing fat burning, resulting in significantly greater increases in lean muscle mass, bone mineral density, and fat loss, as well as greater improvements in body composition. 

Because HGH and testosterone already work synergistically within the body, combining the two therapies can essentially have twice the impact, leading to additional improvements in:

  • Mood and mental health
  • Bone density
  • Lean muscle mass
  • Libido and sexual function

As with any hormone replacement therapy, the goals of HGH therapy and TRT are not to increase one level of hormone over another, but to restore any hormone deficiency back to a healthy range and achieve a better balance of the hormones throughout your entire body.

Who Needs HGH

While combining HGH therapy with testosterone can produce more dramatic results, it is not necessarily the right solution for everyone. Regardless of whether or not the two therapies are combined, HGH therapy offers transformative potential for many individuals dealing with the effects of declining growth hormone levels, including:

  • Men and women with a diagnosed HGH deficiency
  • Men and women with multiple hormone deficiencies
  • Men experiencing significant symptoms of hormone decline or male andropause

HGH therapy is also ideal for enhancing physical performance and addressing and combatting signs of aging such as:

  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased energy
  • Slower recovery from workouts or injuries

At Tulsa Men’s Clinic, we take a comprehensive, synergistic approach to HGH and hormone replacement therapy, integrating it into a broader wellness strategy intended to restore hormonal balance throughout your body, improve your overall health, and help you achieve the lasting vitality you deserve.

Support Your Whole Health with Hormone Replacement Therapy from Tulsa Men’s Clinic

Restore Low Level HGH therapy at Tulsa Men’s Clinic provides a proven, medically supervised approach to correcting declining hormone levels and reversing the effects of aging. While we often pair HGH therapy with complementing treatments like testosterone replacement therapy or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, we’re also committed to crafting bespoke solutions tailored to your unique needs. If our comprehensive testing, body composition analysis, and monitoring indicates that adding testosterone to your HGH therapy will not produce the optimal results, then our experienced medical providers will work with you one-on-one to integrate better modalities.

Don’t let hormone deficiencies dictate how you age. Schedule a consultation with Tulsa Men’s Clinic today and find out if HGH therapy–with or without testosterone–is right for you. It’s time to start living your life again.