Why Viagra® Might Not Be Helping You with Erectile Dysfunction

by | Apr 29, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Why Viagra® Might Not Be Helping You with Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem for aging men, and the risk of having it increases with age. ED causes a lot of problems for men, including negatively affecting relationships and self-esteem. Thankfully, erectile dysfunction is very treatable. Many men use Viagra® or other medications to treat their ED with some success. At the Oklahoma Men’s Clinic, we specialize in treating erectile dysfunction. Because of our expertise, we’ve seen many problems that happen when using Viagra to treat ED. If you’ve had trouble treating your erectile dysfunction with Viagra or other medication, it could be due to one of the following problems.

Viagra® and Other Medications Have to Be Timed Perfectly
Viagra and other medications work by dilating your blood vessels, which increases the blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. However, these medications dilate all blood vessels in your body, and only for a certain amount of time, which means that the medication has to be timed perfectly. Many men find problems with the timing of taking Viagra, as they may take it at the wrong time, and either have an erection before or after the time they want to have sex. Unfortunately, the medication’s timing can be affected by food or alcohol as well. Because the medication is taken orally, it can be delayed by food or beverage contents in the stomach, skewing the timing. This makes oral medications like Viagra frustrating for many men, as they have little control over when they achieve an erection.

Viagra® and Other Medications May Not Be as Potent Due to Food and Alcohol
Besides the timing being off due to food or alcohol, the potency of medications such as Viagra can also be skewed by food or alcohol. Because the medications are digested along with other items in the stomach, they can be diluted and be less potent. This means they won’t work as effectively in achieving and sustaining an erection.

If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction and want treatment that works, contact the Oklahoma Men’s Clinic today!

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